Janine graduated from Brigham Young University in Communicative Disorders and Elementary Ed. in 1975. Her next “degree” was spent raising 6 children.
She became interested in healing work 25 years ago. She has an extensive background in integrative therapies including Craniosacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage, Rapid Eye Therapy, Massage Therapy, DNA Work, Aroma Therapy,and is a Reiki Master.
She and a partner had a clinic in Orem for 6 years where they specialized in trauma and abuse. She has taught Craniosacral Therapy, DNA Work, and other classes around the country and has lectured at several colleges and on the radio.
Ten years ago, she discovered Bodytalk. Since then, she has been on a fast track of Bodytalk study because she is so inspired by its philosophy,effectiveness, and the brilliant way of encapsulating all modalities. She has completed all the courses for Body Talk including PlantTalk, Mindscape, Right Brain, Breakthrough 1&2, Orthopedic Eval. and Structural Integration, Bodytalk Access, and is now enrolled in Parama College 2. She is a Bodytalk Access Trainer and Fundamentals 1&2 Instructor. She is also an Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner.
On an international level, Janine taught Access in remote villages around Cuzco, Peru and in Mendoza, Argentina.
In 2014, she taught Fundamentals and Access with Loesje Jacobs in Malang, Indonesia. That was a life-changing experience for her.
The opportunity to work with Loesje in Sumatra at the Elephant Reserve and in Borneo with the Orangutans was an incredible experience in diving deeper into animal consciousness.
The work that she experienced in Malang in the orphanages and hospital and in the villages where a volcano had recently erupted showed her the power of BodyTalk and healing work.
Janine had the great fortune of finding three other Bodytalk Practitioners, Kimbal Parker, Elizabeth Allen, and Cheri Soelberg, who are extremely skilled and just a lot of fun to be with. They have opened up a clinic in Provo, Utah called “INNERCONNECTIONS”.
The fascination with how life unfolds and being a witness to the miracles of healing and integration has been the most dynamic experience in Janine’s life. She feels lucky to have a front row seat to see the power in which people can access their lives.